Keeping them away from us and the children. Our we wrong in our decision?

Flower🌻 • 8/19/14 💍 09/14/15 💙 01/23/17 ❤️ TTC #3 💛

I'm going to try and make this as short as possible so sorry beforehand if it gets lengthy. My husband's mother for as long as we have been together has caused nothing but drama in our lives. Any chance she gets she will talk bad about my husband and I to his family members. But we're not special she does this to all of her kids and their spouses and actually just anyone.

She loves talking crap. I for the life of me will never fully understand why she does this but from my own experience and hearing other stories she will do anything to make herself look better (even if this means putting down her own children)

Many times I have confronted her (my husband isn't confrontational) but she always swears up and down she hasn't ever said anything bad about us. Her #1 go to excuse is "If I had anything bad to say I would tell you. You know me" which is BS for many reasons. For 1 she talks about people every time we're around her and she never tells anyone what she says behind their backs. And 2 as many people that have came to us telling us things she has said there is no way they're all making it up!

And I AM SO sick of having to defend myself and my husband from all the things she goes and says about us! Unnecessary drama. I'm tired of hearing her talk about other people as well. This last time she went and said stuff about us was the last straw. We cut her and my FIL out of ours and the kids life. I feel I have made the right decision but I need reassured that is why I'm writing this post. We feel that my in laws are toxic to our life and I know that kind of drama can't be good for my children. Our we wrong for keeping our childrens grandparents away from them?

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