I need advice

So I am 17 weeks pregnant. I have been alone for majority of my pregnancy because the father acted like a child and puts drinking first and foremost. Today he messages me which was a whole pitty party. He broke up with me and I told him that I don’t want to be with someone that doesn’t care about me or the well-being of my child.

Today he told me that was have to decide on a boys name if it’s a potential boy. I told him that we did. When we were together and he replied with “I don’t like it”

Then told me that he wanted “Blair” though I have already told my family what the name would be. So I said that I would consider another name just to save arguing. His response was “just search up some names and fire them to me” “find a couple you like and shoot em at me”

I’m so beyond irritated. Like I honestly have no idea what to do about it. Then pushes to be the person in the delivery room with me. I told him that my mom would be the person with me. He continued to push. I told him it’s really vulnerable for me as it’s my body. I needed my mom with me. He basically made me feel like shit for not wanting him in there. I understand he has rights and everything. But ive been doing this with my mom and by myself. I need and want my mom there more than anyone else.

I also decided the name with him prior and I want it to be the name that I picked. Which has left him also getting mad about the baby taking my last name. What’s your opinions?