Hubby’s always know the right thing to say


So we have been trying to conceive since last September. No luck. Every month AF comes and another negative pregnancy test goes in the trash. Ive been getting really depressed about it but kept it to myself because I didn’t want to worry my hubby. Well about 2months ago we bought preseed hoping it would help. No luck so far. I decided we need a spontaneous relaxing vacation so a few days ago we got a hotel and went to the beach. It was nice to get away, have no where to be, and to just relax. Well lone behold one night we went down to the bar andddd I got drunk. as I stumbled up to our room and crawled in bed my worries unloaded themselves. I confessed to my hubby how I’ve been so stressed and worried that after all these months we aren’t pregnant. I asked him to be honest with me and tell me if he was worried/concerned. His exact words were, “honey, no. It will happen when it happens. We just continue trying. God has a plan, we don’t know when he feels is the right time for us to be pregnant but when he feels we’re ready, it will happen. When the Time is right, it will happen.” He gave me the biggest hug and I couldn’t help but cry happy tears. Not only does this man stay strong for himself but he also stays strong and positive for me ❤️ I may not remember much from that evening but I sure as hell will not forget that conversation.