Feel pregnant but negative test ☹️


Hi everyone,

Me and my partner have been TTC for almost two year. We have a beautiful four year old daughter. We desperately want another baby but it just doesn't seem to be happening. We visited our doctor a few weeks ago and they arranged for blood tests for me (to check I was ovulating) and a semen analysis for my partner. We aren't entitled to any help on the NHS as we already have a child which is fair enough. Anyway, I am waffling. I really felt this cycle was ours, I am due my period within the next three days or so but as I have been getting a few pregnancy symptoms, I thought I would take a test...big fat NEGATIVE! I'm gutted because I honestly felt I was pregnant, I've got sore nipples, vaginal itch (too much info? 🤣), aching heavy boobs, shooting pains in my boobs, pelvic pain and pinching feelings in my lower abdomen, fatigue and so on (I don't get these with PMS). I am getting so frustrated and now I am angry with myself for allowing myself to believe I was pregnant when quite clearly I am not 😫 I don't even know what I want people to say, I just wanted to share with people who are in the same boat.
