Bye binky 😢


Woke up this morning and my 2.5 y/o officially broke his wubanub. Ripped off from the elephant and bit clear through the paci. I figured now is a better time than any to end the binky use (only at nap and bedtime for the last year). I just put him down for a nap for the first time without it and he cried a little for about 10 minutes, and he’s now out like a’s the kicker, I’m SOBBING. I’m due with #2 in 4 weeks, and I feel like I just officially lost my first baby to a little boy and I am so upset. I’m sure it’s a hormones, but I was not planning on doing this any time soon as I didn’t see having something to soothe him to sleep as a bad thing. I’m not ready for all these changes. I feel like a complete lunatic lol!