It really grinds my gears....


Excuse me ladies, I must get this off my chest.

So I’m picking my kids up from school. And there’s this lady who works there. I don’t know her name but I see her face every so often before and after school. Nonetheless, she stops and says “Really, you’re still pregnant?”

Clearly this bulging belly can answer that question.

Well I turned around to check if she was speaking to someone else. To my surprise, no one is behind me. I’m like, yes, I am.

Me, thinking this is the end of the conversation. This lady goes, “So when are you due?” Me trying to smile it off, because at this point I’m annoyed by all the questions. I respond April 27th. This lady responds, “They must’ve lied.” 🧐😑🤨.

With all the thoughts running through my mind to curse her out sooooo badly. As gracefully as possible I replied, “She’ll come when she’s ready. And after next week she’s more than welcome.”

First of all, I am the woman carrying the child. Secondly, I’m not even big enough for most people to even tell that I’m pregnant unless you see me from the side. Not to mention IM the woman who has to care for the child. And you will never see her. Why are you even concerned!

Whyyyyyy do people feel such a need to give their UNWANTED opinions about someone else’s pregnancy. It’s like WHYYYYY does it bother people so bad how long someone else is pregnant?! Pregnancy takes 40 weeks! Thats ten WHOLE months. So I’m sorry if it hasn’t gone fast enough for YOU.

That’s what I’d like to say to some of these idiots.

Okay. Sorry. Lol. Rant over. I just had to get that off my chest because my husband seems to think I get bent out of shape about the tiniest things. But I figured someone here would understand. Hopefully I’m not just being emotional.