Natural vs meds, vaginal vs c-section, etc.

Nicole • 29 stay at home mommy & wife to the best hubby, son & baby girl 💙💗

I’ve noticed after reading a few posts and seeing people’s responses that some maybe think that going one way or the other makes them better than the next. So this is to let all of the ladies in the group know that no matter how you (or the baby for that matter 🤣) decide to labor and deliver you are badass and you should be proud of yourself!! So if you are able to go by your “plan” great if not that’s okay too. But don’t think for one second bc someone didn’t have a epidural and you did that they’re better or stronger than you, or bc you had a c-section instead of a vaginal delivery that that makes you less of a woman, or vise versa! This is just a positive post to remind everyone to share your opinions and stories but not tear each other down! Happy, healthy second half of pregnancy to everyone ♥️