To my ex


To my ex boyfriend,

Words can not begin to explain how sorry I am! I was young and immature but that’s no excuse. You were my first; first love, first partner, first heart break. 3 years of talking to someone is a long time, wow. But I wasn’t honest with you, you found out about some of the other boys but not all of them! It’s been casting a grey cloud above my head every time I think about my actions and the pain they caused you!

But you aren’t entirely perfect yourself...

every time I did something you would find the pressure point and break it, you retaliated and slept with numerous girls - mine was just a kiss. I was 3 years younger than you and intentionally or not you used your age and power to do things I wasn’t ready for, that I was scared of and things I wish I would have waited a little longer for! I hardly knew you before I was manipulated, but I guess it takes 2 to tango! The last thing I want to do is play the blame game, you were great to me.

I didn’t make enough time for you when I had the chance and now you’ve left, nothing but a distant memory! I still love you, always have! There are no reasonable explanation for my mistakes but please know I’m sorry, I’m truely sorry!