UTI @ 25w5d

Rachel • Scarlett 6/22/18🩷🩵Baby M 1/27/24

I’m prone to getting bladder infections & kidney infections. So I’m permanently on an antibiotic for after sex & the morning after. I haven’t taken it in a long time because well I haven’t needed to 🤷🏽‍♀️

Don’t I wake up this morning with excruciating back pain on my right side exactly where my kidney is. And frequent urination with hardly anything coming out each time I go.

Called my OBs office to talk to the on call nurse. Of course she doesn’t want me to take that specific medicine. Instead, she advised me to go to Urgent Care to get a urine culture done and they would start me on a different antibiotic if anything showed up in the culture.

Well, lo & behold.. doesn’t my urine culture come up positive for a UTI 🤬

I’m so fcking PISSED! This shit is so painful I could cry. Coughing hurts, laughing hurts, and even walking hurts!

This is absolute God awful pain. Looks like it’s water, cranberry juice, and a heating pad for this momma to be 😩