First ultrasound picture and a friends thought.

I shared the news with a friend today that I’m pregnant. She is only 4 weeks ahead of me. Surprisingly she was not very happy for me. We have been best friends since high school and she had a child her senior year. When I sent her this picture she said what is it? I thought wtf do you mean look at it. She replied I don’t see anything. Clearly it’s at the top left corner. It’s not much but it was at my 6 week ultrasound. Am I crazy thinking how she didn’t see it? Of course it doesn’t look like a baby yet but you can still tell their is something there. Just hurt that after all this time she can’t be happy for me. Especially since she knows how long I have been wanting a baby.

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Posted at
Sounds like you need to find a new friend. She sounds jealous and quite bitchy. If she’s pregnant too she might not have had her ultrasound yet and is jealous you already did? The older I get the more I realize I don’t have time for bitchy, jealous women. ✌🏼


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No she would’ve seen it. She was just being rude!!


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if she's been a long time friend communicate with her. tell her how you felt. see what she has to say. maybe something is missing.


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She probably wanted to be the only one pregnant and who gets the attention if y’all go out. Friends should always be supportive


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I agree that you should talk to your frienfs and be straight up with her . let her know that shes being rude that as a beat friend you thought she would be supportive and ask her whats her problem . because you defientely need to be happy, calm and around positive people . my bestfriend and I are pregnant. ive been ttc for so long and she just tried once and it just happened quick for her, of coarse at first I felt a little sad because I wondered why did it have to take forever for me when ive been trying so hard but I blocked out those negative thoughts and was happy for my friend because I love my friend and when I told her I was pregnant she was so happy for me too. but anyways just talk to your friend maybe shes missing support and love and may. be a little jealous


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You can see it, especially if she’s ever had an ultrasound.


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wow nice friend.


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She doesn’t sound like a very nice and supportive friend. Here is my 6w2d ultrasound... looks pretty much the same as yours, anyone who has ever had a baby or seen an early ultrasound should know what it looks like!!


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Wow!!!! How freakin rude of her!!! All of my friends seem happy but one has brought up waiting till I’m 12 weeks to tell my kids... and it makes me think she is negative 😪. I’m so sensitive right now