Ugh, am I being selfish? ☹️☹️

There’s a parking lot by the airport that I like going to, to watch the airplanes landing or taking off & it’s so nice. I like going to release stress. Only I and like 3 other people from school know of this place (we all went together while “exploring” but they never came back) It does get visitors but mainly from older couples like in their 20’s or so. I’ve posted a few pictures of the sunset before & my friend asked where it’s at, I told him the airport name but not the address cause I actually don’t know it, I just know how to get there 😬. Then today he sent me this

Y’all know when y’all find a really nice place that you appreciate SO much you don’t want to share with anyone else? ☹️ idk but I really don’t. I feel that he’s going to end up taking more friends over there & it’ll be especially awkward if I ever go & see him or someone else. Fuck 😒