Am I weird for being like this??😕


So recently me and my boyfriend have been going thought a rough patch. We get in stupid little arguments over the littlest of thing. Recently he’s been adding people on Instagram that are going to the college he is going yo in order to make friend before he actually goes off to school. Which is totally normal and good. But he recently added this girl whose Instagram is all selfies and basically pictures of her boobs hanging out. I have no problem with that girl post what ever you want, you do you boo. But my boyfriend friending her makes me uncomfortable. He liked 3 of her photos last night in a row, which all featured her looking kinda whorey. It bothers me that he’s ignitating that. I wanna talk to him about and explain it makes me uncomfortable. Yet by no means does that mean he have to unfriend her, because I’m not controlling and he can be friend with whoever he wants. It just bothers me and makes me uncomfortable. Is that weird? Am I being a controlling or crazy girlfriend?

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