10 month old not wanting milk

So my baby has never been a huge eater when it comes to milk. She’s been exclusively breastfed (or pumped milk). She’s little for her age, only 16.5 lb. but looks healthy and in proportion. Anyways, the milk intake is getting bad. for example today she was at her grandmas while I was at work and wouldn’t take a bottle at all, wouldn’t take milk in a sippy warm or cold. I came on my lunch break to nurse her and she wanted nothing to do with it. She had nursed that morning but that’s it. So finally we got home and I tried to nurse her and give her a bottle. She took an ounce from the bottle and that’s it! She ate good today, a whole container of yogurt, some English muffin, 1/2 banana, crackers and pb, and will have dinner too.

I’m worried because it’s like she’s just done with milk. It’s not teething or a nursing strike I really don’t think. It’s been gradually getting to this point over the past couple months. She’s fine nursing at 5am when she wakes up and usually does ok before bed too. During the day it’s a challenge. I’m estimating today she’s only going to get around 12 oz total. Or less even. We give her water so she’s still hydrated, but only after failed milk attempts. When offered milk she was not full from solid meals bc we space them out.

It’s gonna be a struggle once she can have whole milk too I believe since it’s not the boob that’s the issue, or a bottle, we do all kinds of sippies and she takes water fine oit of them. As soon as she tastes the milk she spits it out usually or won’t have anymore. Ugh anyone else relate ? I know she needs the fats for her brain so we try get more fats in through solids. And she’s little so I hope she is still gaining good...