Getting in shape


Ever since my fourth grade teacher who I though very highly of compared me to my best friend who was extremly skinny telling me I should work out and look like her I have been conscious of how I look. And since then my self confidence has went down a lot. Not to mention I struggle with anxiety on top of it. I really want to get in healthy shape. And love my body. I have dresses I want to wear but can’t because my stomach porturudes. Whenever I do, that’s when my parents don’t tell me I look beautiful. That’s when no one compliments me. Posting these pics is a big step for me. But I’m doing it because I’m hoping it’ll help me push myself to get on the right track. Get in shape and stay healthy. I just did my first minor rep today. And it’s small. Not a lot. But I’m starting somewhere. And I just want to be able to keep up with it. So that one day. I will love my body.