I need to vent


So lately I’ve been down with my depression and anxiety. None of my friends have asked me if I’m ok or if I’m doing better. Also recently my one friend has been having trouble with another friend and I’ve been giving good advice and reassurance that all will be ok. Now none of my friends give me this in return. None. Absolutely none. Is this selfish for me to want this from them? I feel like it’s not because I’m always making sure everyone is ok. I’ve done this since I was little. I always put people I care about above myself no matter if I get hurt in the end. The same with my family I always make sure they’ve eaten and make sure they feel ok and help them when they’re down. I give them advice when they ask. But I get literally no help back. Nothing. And when I need they all run away and seem to not care. Are my problems not equally as bad for them to care? I’ve been in some really low places recently and I’ve expressed this to them and they don’t seem to care! I’m always having to pick myself back up when I’m down I’m always the one telling myself it’ll be ok. When I just want to talk or vent to my friends they just give me half assed responses and then leave me on read or just change the subject. I feel like they don’t really get when i need help. But some of them have been depressed and I told them it was going to be ok and to just keep going. I can’t keep doing this for them when I’m receiving nothing back because I will eventually break. I wish they cared as much as I do for all of them. Feel free to leave me any advice or tips or similar situations you’ve been in. Thanks