Advice on BM


Hi y’all! It’s my daughters 1st birthday next week. My DH has two other kids,my daughters half sisters, and it’s our day on my daughters birthday so they can celebrate with us. BM says she can drop them off in the morning so the kids can help bake and cook and such, and asked/offered to stay and help watch my daughter to make it easier on us and also because she says she misses her kids and wants all the time she can get. BM is nice half the time and super rude, disrespectful, and fake the other half. Do you think I should put on a show and let her spend time with me and my daughter/step kids on our time and put on a show for the kids (husband is working) or tell her respectfully no? (We have the eldest girl full time and the youngest son slightly more than half time, if it matters)

Thanks in advance 🤗

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