So Confused!! Please Help!


My husband and I are TTC and we thought we were doing things when I was ovulating but after a few tests I found out the app I was using(clue) was not correct so I joined glow and it was giving me different ovulation dates. Again I bought a few ovulation tests and yesterday (26th)my ovulation test came back positive and it said to have sex within 24-48 hours. Now we were told the best thing is to have sex every two days or so within my fertile window so that’s what we did (24,26) and now since I updated my info into glow to say that I did have a LH surge yesterday it’s saying I ovulated yesterday(26) however I’ve been taking ovulation tests since the 23rd and all have been negative but yesterday’s... I’m so confused.... was I ovulating yesterday(26) or am I actually ovulating today?