Addict parents

Does anyone else have parents that are addicts? Both of my parents are addicts and my mother in law is an addict in recovery. My husband and I both have been through a lot in our lives but he is more shut down to their bullshit than I am. I tried alanon once and couldn't really get into it. I no longer speak to my father but I'm still pretty close to my mom. My parents aren't together and my mom moved out of our home state. She's been "clean" for almost two years now but the cracks are starting to show. In November when I thought everything was going good for her I moved my family to be close to her for support and pretty much a new start for us but now because of her behavior I want to go back home and I can't get her to understand why. She has had more than 10 episodes of heavy drinking, one time she almost got aslrrestrd and another time she got sent to a rehab and mental facility. I just want my 4 year old to have a good and normal life where she doesn't have to see things like this all the time. Am I the crazy one? Has anyone else had to deal with anything like this? I just need someone to talk to please!