I just want a bfp

Iyiesha • Mommy of 3 princesses and a prince... wife of a king... hoping for another prince.

Ok... so here goes... I have 4 different fert/<a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">period tracker</a> apps. 3 of them say af is due Friday and the last says af is due today. No show today. fingers crossed. For the past few weeks I've had extremely tender breast, fatigue, nausea, and heartburn and indigestion. for the last few days I've had a watery discharge. I want to wait a few more days to test but I'm growing anxious and impatient. Praying g this is our month. Just looking for insight. I already have 4 children and don't remember a watery discharge. I read it could be a sign of early pregnancy. there is no odor or color to it, like water basically. Could it be the beginning of something? Should I go ahead and test? We've been trying for 8 months. I'm getting so discouraged. 😞