Should I drop him🤔

So this guy I have been talking to has changed in my opinion, like when we first started hanging out and talking it was like we were dating and he was so affectionate and loving with goodmorning text every morning. This went on for the first three months and now he went to being dry , like one or a few text a day and sometimes even not texting me at all. I ask him about it and he says he is busy working everyday, but he used to make the effort to FaceTime me while he was at work everyday so now it’s hard to believe. A friend and I think he is talking to someone else but I asked him and he says no and that he’s never on his phone. Idk what to do like I really like him and we made it to the “I love you “ part lol but idk if it’s just me overthinking. I’m 19 and he is 20 btw and he was in my messages when my ex and I were taking a break from our relationship so he’s been trying to talk to me for almost a year now. It’s like now that he is , I feel like I’m putting in more effort sometimes.