Potty training

Laura • Ethan Ashley born 20th September 2015 at 12.08am weighing 8lb 👶🏼

Hi everyone! Ethan is now 2 and a half, after he turned 2 we started potty training he was doing so well but then I gave it up (worst decision). About 4 weeks ago we tried no nappy for the day and sitting on the potty he did a wee and was really happy had about 3 accidents the next day and refused to sit in the potty. So I ordered a summer infant potty toilet as I thought the potty he made may be uncomfortable he was all excited when I got it out the box he tried to help me build it but still refused to sit on it. I don’t know what to do I need some parental advice he goes to hide when he does a poo and pushes me out his room if he needs to go, he sometimes tells me if he needs a poo.