Any other previous should dystocia moms?

Michelle • 27 years old Wifey & Momma of a 3 year old. Currently expecting #2 in July 2015
As my due date comes near im getting soo scared! My first son was very big boy and his shoulders got stuck on my pelvic which lead to a shoulder dystocia. He's fine but the situation could of be a whole lot worse. He could of very well had lasting side effects or possible death from this. I'm having another boy. I've been super great about my weight gain and even the doctor doesn't think second boy will be as big. She does worry about me having another shoulder dystocia and keeps using words like damage baby, c section, etc etc. She knows I want a to try natural birth. And she respects that even thou she has to offer the c section. Does it make me a bad mom to want to do a natural
Birth? Should I just get the c section. In read so many cases that it doesn't always mean I'll have a another case like before. That I could have a perfectly normal natural labor experience with no risks. I fear so bad to have this happen again but I want to experience a positive normal experience. With my first son when that happened to him he was taken away right away. He was in the nicu for 4 days on all sorts of monitors and iv's. I never got that immediate bonding experience from right after birth. I want to push this baby out with no issues and immediately do skin to skin. I want to nurse right away. And I want my baby in my room not a nicu or nursery. Sorry soo long in just venting. Any advice ladies?