New York ladies anyone MTHFR positive

So I learned I am positive for MTHFR gene mutation. My issue is my dr is not knowledgeable at all & does not think it’s related to my three recurrent miscarriages even though everything I read about the mutation says it is.

Any ladies positive & seeking assistance from someone they can recommend?


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I have this mutation! I was tested because I have two family members with autism (though they say they can't find genetic link) as well as some mood disorder issues. I'm TTC right now and its making me a bit nervous.Never met anyone else with the mutation! Most people look at me like I have 2 heads!!!


Rachelle • Mar 3, 2019
Hi Kaylee- after a slew of testing, they discovered that I have a double copy. Have you been tested for other blood clotting disorders? I was told to take folate, and have been taking Thorne prenatals, they have a natural form of folate.


Deborah • Apr 8, 2018
Thank you I should get more answers tomorrow I have my second bloodwork but Friday’s levels were amazing (hcg 400 progesterone 25 at 4 weeks) so I’m optimistic 😊


Kaylee • Apr 8, 2018
I will, I'll be follow your journey and rooting for you 💖💖💖


Posted at
I am not MTHFR, but my doctor tested me for it. I was told before the results came back that they would give me a much higher dose of folate/folic acid if I was. You can do this yourself by buying a folic acid supplement in addition to your prenatal, but it’s always best to do something like that with your doctors advice.If your doctor isn’t knowledgeable... perhaps it’s best to find a new clinic? Best of luck!


Deborah • Apr 7, 2018
Thank you 😊 best of luck to you


Marie • Apr 6, 2018
That’s great news! Congratulations. Yes I know about methylfolate, I switched to honest brand prenatals before I got tested as a safeguard (can only help, not hurt!)


Deborah • Apr 6, 2018
Thanks for the response. My dr seems to feel it isn’t a direct link but did acknowledge it could be due to high homocysteine levels, which my variation is famous for & high homocysteine is definitely linked to miscarriage. He put me on metanx which is methylfolate & I am taking baby aspirin & honest brand prenatal (without folic acid it has methylfolate as well) mthfr positive people are actually supposed to avoid synthetic folic acid because our bodies can’t break it down or detox it. I’m confident from a lot of research and talking to other positive women that I’m on the right supplements. Actually got my strongest BFP this week & so far everything looks great! Good luck to you sending you tons of baby dust xxx


Posted at
I found this out during my genetic testing as part of my fertility treatments. As it was explained to me, MTHFR makes it difficult for our body to absorb and process folic acid. We need the raw form of folic acid, called folate I believe, in our prenatals. I took smartpants prenatal gummies with folate and my dr said those would be fine! Also, eating extra leafy greens in the beginning.


Tracey • Oct 30, 2022
Also forgot to add my dr was Dr. Sanders of Arthrowell. She specializes in MTHFR treatment and was amazing through this process!


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Yes. Dr Alexander kofinas