Nap transitions?


So my little one looooved taking 30 minute naps ever since he was about 3 months old. He used to do 4 a day, and we cut back to 3 30 minute naps a day in February by doing a bottle around 6:30 before he goes to bed at 7.

Now, we’re on the other end of that awful 4 month sleep regression that lasted nearly 5 weeks for us! 😮 And we’ve done sleep training that was very successful at overcoming some nighttime separation anxiety.

He’s finally napping longer than 30 minutes! It’s so nice to get some chores done AND have some downtime! But he’s all over the place in length and very unpredictable. I used to be able to load him up right before his nap and he’d nap 30 minutes in the car and be ready to go do anything I wanted after having a bottle in the car. Not so mobile these days...

Anyone gone through this already? How long did it take for your babes to settle into a new, predictable schedule? (Mine is 6 months 1 week).

Here’s the lil man ❤️