What do you think about Fat Acceptance?


Either way, comment ;)

‘Fat acceptance is a movement seeking to change anti-fat bias in social attitudes.’

I have mixed views. From what I can take from this is that the fat acceptance consists of both positive and negative parts: people can interpret both in many different ways.

Fat acceptance teaches people to love their body and not to rely on people to tell them how they look or should look according the ‘social norm’. It can be a loving, caring and supporting community. Nice :)

On the other hand, people can support and encourage someone so much that they may look past that it can be a risk factor to diseases and problems with your health. If you love your body then that’s great, keep on doing that 😀👍 If you recognise that you may not be a healthy weight for your age and height (A higher weight is not necessarily bad: you may have more muscle mass 💪 muscle is denser than fat) it’s a better thing that you are aware of your health instead of (sorry if I word this wrong) dodge the problem.

What are your views? Should health be taken account of? Should we encourage people who are obese to love themselves no matter what? What about people who are underweight?

- Some aspects are more harder to answer than others :)

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