

2dpo: heart palpitations, anxiety

3dpo: mild, intermittent cramping both sides; heart palpitations, anxiety

4dpo: mild twinges left side; fatigue; car sickness (very unusual, except that it was one of my first pregnancy symptoms with my son); anxiety

5dpo; low, dull ache as if I am on day 3 of recovery from intense abs workout; couple twinges on the right side; exhausted; anxiety

I think I might be pregnant but it’s too early to tell.

6 dpo: painful twinge in left nipple; by night breasts are tender (uncommon when I menstruate)

7 dpo: Nursing hurts, nipples are sore, but not normal nursing soreness; mild nausea after eating breakfast, really yucky farts.

8-13 dpo: low, dull aching/twinges in pelvic/hip bone, right side, on and off yucky farts, on and off nausea, fatigue, unexplained weepiness.