Knocking someone down for a bfp

I read a post were someone posted there bfp and the only comment on there was go to the appropriate chat . Like seriously ? How about a congrats . Isn’t this app all about getting pregnant and the journey of getting pregnant ? Shouldn’t you feel comfortable posting your positive test on here ? Anywhere on here ? She accidentally posted it in the TTC chat . Just

Congratulate her & answer her question . She has gotten what everyone on here downloaded this app for . To achieve a bfp ! I feel like you have to tread lightly when posting a bfp because people who have not yet gotten it will knock you down . I understand it takes more time for some then it does other but the time will come for everyone & im sure once you post it you don’t want a “post in the appropriate chat” we should all as users be happy for another glow ladies bfp . That’s how I see it ! We are a community . We come on here for support . Let’s support each other & give congrats where it’s due