
Not really sure how to feel right now. When I got home from work yesterday my husband had a friend over. A female friend. I know her and all but we had been talking/texting while I was at work and he never said anything about her coming over, and apparently she had been there all day. When I got there she was washing my dishes. Like wtf. When I said something she said she was just returning the favor from when he did hers.....I don't remember him saying anything about that either. I might just be paranoid but it seemed like she was looking at his ass when he would bend over (he's black it's nice to look at) and like he was smiling a lot when he looked at her and talked to her. And I was just plain uncomfortable. Like felt tense. In my own damn house! He didn't even notice. And she stayed all damn night too. Somebody please tell me I'm crazy I really don't wanna go through this.....😥😥😥

edit; we are kinda friends but we haven't known each other that long so it's not that easy to read her yet. But I was distinctly uncomfortable. And I didn't get a chance to talk to him at all, I get up for work at 5 am so I had to go to bed early and I was asleep before he came to bed

edit 2; I forgot to mention, this friend is also in a relationship. Her boyfriend came by for a minute while he was on break from work and again I might be imagining but he seemed uncomfortable too