Positive test

Hi all! I wanted to share how I got pregnant because maybe it will help someone else. Every woman’s journey is different and I wish you all will be blessed with a child you are hoping for.

My husband and I just started trying last month and I just got a positive test! I wanted to start trying right away because I know it can take months to conceive for many couples. I’m 29 and my husband is 41 (he has a 12 year old from his previous marriage). Prior to trying to conceive I had the copper (non-hormonal IUD) which I had removed in January. Here is what I did and what worked for me. P. S. I’m a Nurse Practitioner so I did have some knowledge regarding conception already but did a lot more research on my own when trying to conceive myself. Hope this helps!

1. I started tracking my cycle about 1.5-2 years prior to trying to conceive. I tracked it mainly to know if I was late or when I could except it to start my period. By doing this I was able to see that I was pretty regular with a cycle of 28-29 days every month. I found this habit of tracking my cycle to be especially helpful when we started trying to conceive. I was able to plug in my dates to the Glo app and easily see when I’d likely ovulate

2. I started taking prenatal vitamins daily for a couple months prior to trying to conceive, stuck to 1 cup of coffee (even though I was dying for more), did some moderate exercise a few times a week and was generally trying to eat healthy

3. The few days leading up to and the day of ovulation we had intercourse

Before I got my positive test I was reading a lot to see what possible early signs of pregnancy I could be experiencing and what other women have experienced (other than the typical nausea, breast pain etc) so I will share what I noticed different in my body this month before my positive test.

1. Random hot flashes around week three. I would be getting ready for work and start sweating which never happens to me.

2. Acid reflux w/heartburn. I never get this but again week three/four for about 4 nights in a row. I’ve read this can happen early in pregnancy due to relaxation of smooth muscle

3. Mood swings! Usually the few days before my period I will cry for no reason and just be kinda moody. I noticed this and actually more extreme mood swings earlier than I normally would.

4. I’m on my week 5 now and I’m getting tender breasts, fatigue, bloating and headaches

I am only on week 5 so will update on how everything goes we are trying to contain the excitement because it is still early on.

Wish you all luck!