It was IT!!! Early pregnancy symptoms & my so thought chemical


I can't believe I'm writing this but... I'm PREGNANT!!!

This time I really felt like it was it. I had so many early symptoms, I know they say they don't start until 6-7 dpo but I swear I felt it at 1 dpo. My 1st sign was a strong pricking in the uterus right after we BD. That was something I never felt. The 2nd was cramps. Mild period like cramps on my left side. My breasts started to get super sensitive and sore on 4-5 dpo. I felt a brief nausea on 3-4 dpo. On day 8 post ovulation I took a fmu test which was negative, on 9 dpo it was a vvvvfl- I even posted it here on Glow:

That day I felt so so bad and had a really painful serious cramping and felt like AF is right around the corner. The next morning I took a test that was negative. That was the moment I felt it was a chemical. Again.

Thank to the support of some amazing women here in the Glow community I became hopeful again and decided not to call it, but to wait a few days and test again. On 12 dpo I took a test and It was positive!!!!!!!

I'm about 18-19 dpo today, had a blood test yesterday and found out for sure that I'm pregnant with our #1!!! Thank you Glow community, I really could not have done it without you ♥️