31 weeks, can I stretch any more??1


I am 31 weeks(in two days) with identical twins. Up to this point it's been hard, but I swear this past week my belly has gotten so much bigger and heavier and everything is so much more painful. The stretch marks have appeared and my skin hurts to the touch way, way, more than it did before. I know my belly will keep stretching to accommodate the growing babies, but it just feels like how is that actually possible?? I feel like im going to split in half!! Also, at my last growth scan (27 weeks) the babies were only 2.2 and 2.3 lbs. So if they are still small at my growth scan in a few days I won't even know what to think! Just looking for a little positive encouragement I guess, and for someone to tell me I'm not going to explode into a million pieces in the final weeks :)