So called friend

There's a girl I know. I guess we are friends even though half the time I feel like we don't really like each other. I try to talk to her and get her advice on situations in my life but she just acts like I complain too much and like she is so much better than me. Her and her boyfriend have been together for one year and my fiancé and I have been together 3 years but she always says "happy 3 years of FRIENDSHIP" to her boyfriend. She is also pregnant and got pregnant on her first try. My fiancé and I have been TTV for a long time and I feel like she always runs it in my face that she is pregnant and acts rude about the fact that I can't get pregnant. I also live in a mobile home and she has told me "I could never see myself living in a trailer." Should I confront her about these thing a or just stop speaking to her?