So scared to give birth/scared of bad stuff that could happen

I’m slightly freaking out, even though I’ve had a really easy pregnancy and my doc says everything seems great I can’t help this feeling of being so freaking scared of giving birth(something going wrong), and this is my second!!! My first I was not scared at all. We didn’t get any genetic test done ( didn’t for our first either) and only had 1 ultra sound so now I’m terrified something could be wrong and I don’t know why and I don’t know what to do about it. To top that off a good friend of mine had there baby ( who was due April 23) last week and he’s in the NICU and hAving troubles and I feel so sad and sick for them and now I’m even more terrified. Anyone else or am I just crazy, cuz I feel damn crazy ughhhhhhhhhh

I’m due April 3rd and if baby is not here I’m being induced on the 5th so I have to get my shit together 😳😳😳😳