Thought I only had an evap line!


Last night, I couldn’t wait to test and got this:

I read all the posts on here for EPT, VVFL, evap line. I was convinced I had an evap line. It’s off center and barely visible.

This morning I started with a FRER:

Barely anything, but there is a VVFL. So I decided to use up my big fancy relatively expensive digital test. I immediately thought “ugh, I’m just wasting this test, it’s going to be negative and I’m still not going to know for a couple more days...

And I got my BFP!!!!! I have felt a lot of symptoms this week but also thought I was just imagining things.

This is month 2 TTC, baby #1. I’m 37 and feel pretty anxious about attempting this so late in the game. I really hope this is a sticky little bean!

If anyone wants to know, I charted BBT, cervix position, cervical fluid daily. I’ve been taking a prenatal for 3 months, drinking 4 ounces of pomegranate juice daily, taking vitamin E daily, eating fresh pineapple around ovulation, and eating either nuts or avocado and lots of greens and fresh fruit every day. I also started drinking 64+ oz of water and light exercise (walking or aerobic) each day.

My first sign was that I kept waking up super early (I am not a mornings by person). Then my breasts were SUPER sore, then my oatmeal gave me heartburn (that’s never happened).

Here we go...