Light bleeding and now cramping


I’ve been spotting throughout this whole pregnancy so far (I’m 9 weeks 3 days) and yesterday it seemed to be a little more then normal so i called my dr. Went in later that day for an ultrasound and baby looked perfect with a strong heartbeat of 170. She reassured me everything looked great and sometimes women bleed during pregnancy. Last night my stomach started hurting but i assumed it was bc i was craving sour patch kids and i thought maybe i just ate too many. I ended up having to go to the bathroom and felt a little better. Went to sleep, and woke up feeling okay. Now that I’ve been up for a few hours, my stomach is starting to hurt again. It’s kind of like period cramps mixed with a stomach ache. I still am having the light bleeding so now this is freaking me out. Should i be worried?? The pain isn’t excruciating but it’s there. I know everything is stretching and stuff being pregnant, so I’m hoping that’s all it is. I did start a new medication for nausea last night, i didn’t take it on an empty stomach but maybe it could be that?