Wrong charting

So I realized I have a longer cycle then usual and changed it in my settings once I did that I put 2 & 2 together .,

*back story*

On Tuesday the 27th I wrote a list saying I’m 3 days late and when I showered and wiped I saw a lil spotting of blood , I didn’t think too much of it until today when I changed my cycle and realized I ovulated on the 18th instead of the 11 which would mean that I had implantation bleeding 9 days later , right ? My period is not due till the first however I thought it was due the 25 and all the pregnancy test I took were negative ., but it makes sense now cuz I took them all before the 25 but I wouldn’t have even implanted right ??! Sorry for the long post I’m really confused and need to know if anyone’s been through something like this before ?!