Can you spot and still be pregnant?


Hi ladies,

My husband and I are ttc and I've never been pregnant before and wanted to ask for advice/insight on a few things. So, first off my periods are irregular, ugh I know! it's annoying lol! I have been having symptoms like nausea, headaches, I've been urinating alot, but that might just be because I do drink a lot of water, and noticed tummy aches, not menstrual cramps. When I sleep, it's uncomfortable for me to sleep facing up, I have to sleep sideways. I was supposed to start my period Tuesday and AF hasn't come yet. I noticed a little bit of weight gain, but I'm thinking it could be stress since I work FT and doing a Master's degree online. Also, so about a week or two ago, I noticed I was spotting pink and brown for like a day and I was caught off guard since that's never happened to me before. Tonight my husband and I went dancing and I noticed I was spotting, it wasn't heavy it was actually light, but bright red. I haven't taken a pregnancy test but I plan on taking one Monday. Has anyone had this happen to them before and ended up being pregnant? I guess my question/concern is if you spot, can you still end up being pregnant? I've been on 3-4 rounds of Clomid, wasnt ovulating and just finished my first round of femara and found out a week and a half ago I was ovulating. I'm hoping and praying to get good news next week. Baby dust to y'all!❤️❤️❤️