Crazy Dream😹😹


Last night I dreamt that I gave birth to my baby. She was swaddled and we were in the hospital still. I went to cuddle her, and pressed her against my bare chest. My husband says, "you should try feeding her now", but as he's saying it I feel teeth on my chest. At first I don't think much of it and try to get her to latch. It turns out that she has sharp teeth and chews on my nipple. It hurts so I shout and pull her off, and she hisses at me like a cat. Then she jumps out of my arms and run/crawls out of the room down the hall. My husband is just standing there and I'm yelling "Babe help me!" and I run down the hallway chasing her. When I catch her and pick her up, she IS a cat, a grey striped tabby, but just her face, hissing and flailing trying to get away from me! I woke up after that and I'm thinking what the hell was that?! I'm actually a cat owner and I love my kitties, it was the weirdest thing!