i need prayers


hi guys my step momma found out some time last year that she had bowl cancer she was doing chemo and radiation and she finally had her surgery which that went well she no longer has the cancer but today when I brought her some sonic I bought lost it she is so little and she was already little to began with her arms and legs r so small she also has a poop bag sorry I didn't know how to spell that but for the past 2 days the bag had busted well when I was talking to momma I asked her if she told her nurse and she said she rang them but didn't show up yet so I go and look for one and I told the nurse and she said ok well when I was fixing to leave the nurse was no where out by the nurse station so I walked up to another nurse and I told her look my momma bag busted again and I told one lady already and she didn't care so I told her I want it taken care of now well needless to say she walked BK there with me and helped my momma out.... what sucks tho is my ex sister n law was a manager over the nurses and now that she is leaving I feel like my momma won't get taken care of like she is supposed to sorry for the long post I jus needed to vent