First Cycle off Birth Control

For the first time in 7 years, I'm off birth control. I am terrified of what the long term effects will be... I am 26 now, and had my son in the summer of 2011. I had 2 miscarriages before him. I've been on the NuvaRing for about 10 months, before I was on Seasonique, and I've been on pretty much every brand of monthly pill you can think of. It's never agreed with me. I got married in June 2017, and we are closing on a house in 2 weeks. I want another baby so badly and I'm afraid it's going to take 6 months to a year for my cycles to regulate because I haven't had a natural period in so long. As far as I know from before, I was very fertile (Got pregnant with my son on the first time I copulated with his biological father) and had been pregnant 2x before when I was a teen. Do any of you have similar experiences after long term birth control use ? I'm keeping track of my cycle, having sex every other day during my fertile period (as it calculates on here) but I'm afraid it's going to take so long. Also my husband has created babies before, but none survived the miscarriage window.