My ex & I trying to be friends


I have posted about this a few times and last time I didn't get any responses so I'll try again. My ex and I became friends again in January 2017 after a not so nice ending in March 2016. A couple months into the friendship after telling me that we would never be together again he brings up this list of "not so normal" sexual things I could do to prove that I still loved him. that point I was still angry so I didn't love him. It got to the point that I feel the friendship was based totally on the list and he was getting angry that I wasn't completing it because I no longer loved him. I Cared About Him, but not love him. He finally told me the friendship was over because I lied about completing his list. 1. I cannot walk up to 4 guys and ask if I could suck them off while riding him. (one of the more normal things) Again..I was thrown away. Finally this past January after 1 night of being stupid I thought I was pregnant. They day after the sex he told me that it would never happen again because he had decided to become an ordained minister and we had made a mistake. He decided he needed to come clean to me & tell me he cheated on me with texts and pictures our entire relationship & he created his POF account for the attention. Now that he's trying to become an ordained minister he gets angry when I say I don't believe somethings he says. He lied to my face for 15 months. He looked me dead in the face and told me he didn't make the POF account that it was one of my friends because they hate him. He actually said "I have no reason to lie." Now I hear it all the time. How do I try to trust him more? Please don't be mean. I'm just trying to understand the huge change he's doing. Thanks