Real talk about epidurals


Ok! I’m 28 weeks. And up until recently I was 100% sure I was going to have all the pain meds possible during labor and that I would 100% want and epidural. BUT now that I’m REALLY thinking about my birth plan and what I want I’m super unsure!

I know I want at least some pain management but idk if I want the epidural. I have heard and read sooooo many horror stories about them. So here’s my reasons for wanting one

1- I’m a wimp. My pain tolerances pathetic

2- I get very mean when in pain and don’t want to be mean to the staff and my family

3- I get stressed when I’m in pain and I don’t want to just shut down due to the stress

So! I need your advice and stories and whatever you think is helpful! Good stories bad stories scary stories. I want to hear it all. Iv read all the statistics and all the medical stuff I’ve talked to my OB but I want to hear real experiences from real women who have given birth.

Double good karma points if you have done birth both with and with out epidural and can give me pros and cons. Also any advice you ladies have about other pain management options during labor would be much appreciated
