False positive?


I have now missed my period completely. I am like clockwork. I am never late also have never missed a period. I have never taken birth control so never had any synthetic hormones to change my symptoms or off set my periods. I have had a baby before so I know the symptoms of pregnancy and my body well. So when I was starting to feel these symptoms, before I even missed my period I took a test. A faint positive showed up. I took one the next day also positive( a little darker) I took a test every morning for the next six days. All positive. Went to the doctor took a urine test. Came back negative. I was shocked. So we took another one. Also negative. I insisted I was pregnant I got blood work done and will get more done in 2 days. I drink an insane amount of water at took the test at 4pm could my pee be so diluted? I read that, as I’ve been googling anything to calm my brain. I’m going to test my self again in the morning when my urine is not concentrated. Has this happened to anyone? Help me ease my mind.