My Boyfriend Sleep Sexs?

It's kind of hilarious and kind of cute. He'll be asleep in the dead of night and randomly roll over and start groping me or fingering me or he'll even get in position for sex. He usually talks in a deep deep voice and says pretty dirty things to me like "You ready to get fucked?" Or "What do you thing you're doing? spreading your legs for me." which are both cringey but the thing is, he's still asleep when he does this. Literally after ten seconds he just rolls over and passes out again. He doesn't remember the next day any bit of it and I usually think it's cute or funny despite how aggressive he acts like he'll be (though he's always gentle pretending to be aggressive) and he's never gotten past general molestation lol. anyone else's man do this or something similar? And I'd like to add that it always leaves me hopelessly horny because I'm into this rough behaviour but since he goes back to sleep immediately I'm stuck
