Am I better off without him?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 4 months, and let me tell you that those 4 months have brought me nothing but tears, crying myself to sleep, insecurities, overthinking and doubting my self worth.

When we first started dating everything was so special. He really made me feel loved and cared for because he would put effort into our relationship, but as days and month passed, he gradually stopped, to the point where we will only talk like friends and we only see each other once a week.

We have previously broken up twice, so the third time we promised to make it work but I wouldn’t be writing this if things were good.

Being with him has made me wonder everyday if I’m hard to love or I’m just not attractive enough to him.

It has made me questioned my self worth.

I am so used to him not showing love, not good morning or goodnight texts, no calls, not being ever taken on a date, not being asked how my day was or what I’m doing, him always late, wasting money on him, late text replies, and his alcoholism.

Right now I’m having a battle between my heart and my brain. My brain tells me to break up with him but my heart tells me to keep on trying until there’s nothing left.

And if I love him? I thought I did, and I want to believe I do, but I’m slowing falling out of love.

What should I do?

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