Am I over reacting?

So my boyfriend and I are currently living with his parents while our house is finishing up the remodel. He tells his mom all of our business and it pisses me off to no end! I don’t work right now, we are not struggling by any means, but she still says stuff to him behind my back about me needing to get a job. He tells her about our money, our bills, our plans, and doesn’t even stick up for me when his mom talks bad about me. Because he hates when people fight. He just says it goes in one ear and out the other cause it’s not worth fighting about. I can’t stand it. I do not like this woman at all! She is very two faced. When my boyfriend leaves for work, she comes downstairs and talks bad about him to me. Ugh! She plays mind games, she schemes her 70 year old mom for money, and she is fake. Do I have a right to be mad? He hides it from me that they talk about all of that because he thinks I’m sleeping still. (The room is right next to ours and you can hear everything) but as soon as I can’t feel him in the bed I automatically wake up, not sure why. I know him and his mom are close, but I feel like our personal life is no ones business but ours!

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