Uterus preparing body not responding

Nicole • Expecting 2nd on August 21st. Our first Henry James was a full term birth on February 27, 2011 at 5:22pm and passed 6pm.
Hi everybody, 
This morning I woke up (31 weeks 1day) to the usual kicks and Braxton hicks, except the contractions were not stopping and the pressure was heavy. I started to time them after drinking plenty of water, changing position and moving around. They were 5 minutes apart and about a minute long. I spoke to my dr went to the hospital to get checked out. They increased to 3.5min apart and they checked and my cervix- completely shut. 
The contractions were showing on the monitor and the baby reacted fine the whole time. The dr thought it was a UTI but it wasn't and he sent me home, told me to take a warm shower, pour a 6oz glass of wine and pick my feet up. The wine made the contractions slow down a lot and I took a nap. 
They're back now and I'm back to being uncomfortable. Anybody experience this? They said my uterus is not be cooperative, it's prepping and my body is refusing but since the baby is fine with all this I'm out of luck. I feel like throwing up & uncomfortable from the contractions  and can't do anything about it unless they get worse. 
Anybody? I really want something to happen either for them to stop or to meet my lil guy. I can't imagine how long this can go on for.