
sooo I bought (with my half of the tax return $ that I saved from last year ps the tablet was only $25 and used) my bf a tablet for work and he didn't even have it for a week and he downloaded chatous and 3 other similar apps to message girls... I seen it on my phone lost my shit on him and he said he used it cause he is tired of finicially supporting me... I don't know what to do.. he hasn't downloaded it since I don't think, but i am trying my hardest to bring more income in... I just checked and he did download the app again edit: i just love him to much and he says he does to me, i been with him for nearly 4 years... I haven't had a job in a few months but i have been struggling and he's sick and tired of it edit: i cant really even leave without being homeless or broke either, i honestly hate this. I do have a separate bank account but it's empty so we just use the joint account where his paychecks come in.. he never talks to me about anything and then bring it out on me all at once. I am trying my hardest but i am still one person. i ended up blocking the tablet from our wifi but he went to my dads last night and used it there :/// also he bitches that he works all day and the house is a mess, I try to keep it clean but he destroys it so quick and i honestly hate cleaning but i clean the house everyday and do his laundry every day. we live in a house that its too big for just the two of us now. edit: i already suffer from mental illness so its making it even harder, I started cutting again from the stress of this plus his mother plus not working or having my own income. just yesterday he was saying he can talk yo his dad and see if he can use his tuition inheritance on me to go back to school again and he can find somewhere cheaper to rent ($1500 a month right now) and then his mom called and is telling him to leave me again... edit: i was finically stable until my dayhome slowed right down, he spends $150 on pot every two weeks and another $200 on shatter at same time, I always made sure bills where paid and everything, I used my entire savings paying the damage deposit on this place we can't even afford, and also making sure I was still paying my half of bills and student loan each month (still can't afford rent though cause he makes $24 an hour and when i get a job I will be only making $10 an hour part time) hes more so upset that he can't spend more on pot cause he is paying my half of rent...