there’s something wrong with my son..

Emerald • austin 07.13.18💍 mason 10.03.18🌈👶🏻


i’m a little late on this, but at 13 weeks exactly, we got another look at mason. my mother in law was with me in the hospital and it was her first time seeing him! she said he was bouncing around so much!! but, he had his little leg out again 🤦🏻‍♀️😂 same one, i’m pretty sure, but he switched so now he’s basically doing the plank in my uterus with his leg out. i stand by my original statement.. something is definitely wrong with my son 😂😂💙 but i love him!!

i’m currently 14 and a half weeks, so we’re getting there. hoping next week, his little leg will still be out because honestly it’s so cute 😍💗


every time we get sonograms done, my child is always kicking, dancing, moving around in some form. but these past two times, little butt just wants to sleep. i am currently 12w5d, and as time goes on, he’s getting lazier and lazier. last time, (3/27) the sonographer had to bang on my tummy to get mason to wake up because we needed to get measurements from him to make sure he was growing properly. it took awhile but then he got up and wouldn’t stop moving. this time, though, he was chilling with his leg stretched out...he legit looked like he was straight chilling in my fucking uterus. i’ve never seen such a relaxed child. i showed my father in law the pictures and told him he mason just likes to sleep and he goes “just like mama.”

you can see his lil leg sticking up 😂😂 oh, son...i love you.