Babies kicking... when?

Amy • 24, England. Mama to 3 amazing beautiful babes. George; 10|07|15. Di/Di Twin girls; Amelia & Isobel. Born at 35w+5d - 29|08|18 💕💙✨

Hello ladies!

When did you feel your twins start kicking? I'm going to be 15 weeks on Friday, I know this is early but this is my second pregnancy & I think I've felt flutters and bubbles every now and again.. I'm just wondering when you 100% started to feel them & if this is your second pregnancy did you feel them sooner than your first? I felt my son around 16 weeks, everyone said how strong he was!

I guess I'm just being paranoid because this week I've started to feel 100% better than any other week. I've only had nausea every now and again anyway and that's literally been it. I've seen my babes 3 times and every time they're doing amazing!! Because I'm no longer feeling very sick and haven't had half the symptoms I had with my son I've literally found myself squeezing my boobs two or three times a day to check they're still hurting because this is now my only pregnancy symptom apart from feeling nauseous before I eat first thing.. I'm literally driving myself mad haha, especially because in my first pregnancy I had horrible horrible horrible morning sickness till 20 weeks and this time, with my twins, I actually feel pretty amazing! I guess I should just consider myself lucky & stop being a nervous mess? 🤷🏼‍♀️😂